Search results in Adair County

Your search: "Book: 000057"


689 results (0.14 seconds) Modify search Show more columns Next

  • Indexed data and images from January, 1989
County Recorded Instrument Type Book Page(s)GrantorGranteeLegal DescriptionImages
Adair 0057-009122 Miscellaneous0000570640 1 : View
Adair 0057-009116 Miscellaneous0000570639 - 0640 2 : View
Adair 0057-009093 Miscellaneous0000570639 1 : View
Adair 0057-009086 Miscellaneous0000570637 - 0638 2 : View
Adair 0057-009072 Miscellaneous0000570637 1 : View
Adair 0057-009067 Miscellaneous0000570635 - 0636 2 : View
Adair 0057-009063 Miscellaneous0000570634 - 0635 2 : View
Adair 0057-009054 Miscellaneous0000570633 1 : View
Adair 0057-009042 Miscellaneous0000570632 - 0633 2 : View
Adair 0057-009041 Miscellaneous0000570632 1 : View
Adair 0057-009040 Miscellaneous0000570631 1 : View
Adair 0057-009039 Miscellaneous0000570630 - 0631 2 : View
Adair 0057-009038 Miscellaneous0000570629 - 0630 2 : View
Adair 0057-009037 Miscellaneous0000570629 1 : View
Adair 0057-009036 Miscellaneous0000570628 1 : View

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