Search results in Adair County

Your search: "Book: 0000B5"


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  • Indexed data and images from January, 1989
County Recorded Instrument Type Book Page(s)GrantorGranteeLegal DescriptionImages
Adair 00B5-026664 Miscellaneous0000B50237 1 : View
Adair 00B5-005699 Miscellaneous0000B50483 1 : View
Adair 00B5-005694 Miscellaneous0000B50482 1 : View
Adair 00B5-005691 Miscellaneous0000B50482 1 : View
Adair 00B5-005688 Miscellaneous0000B50482 1 : View
Adair 00B5-005678 Miscellaneous0000B50481 - 0482 2 : View
Adair 00B5-005665 Miscellaneous0000B50481 1 : View
Adair 00B5-005663 Miscellaneous0000B50481 1 : View
Adair 00B5-005655 Miscellaneous0000B50480 1 : View
Adair 00B5-005650 Miscellaneous0000B50480 1 : View
Adair 00B5-005640 Miscellaneous0000B50479 - 0480 2 : View
Adair 00B5-005623 Miscellaneous0000B50479 1 : View
Adair 00B5-005622 Miscellaneous0000B50479 1 : View
Adair 00B5-005621 Miscellaneous0000B50478 1 : View
Adair 00B5-005603 Miscellaneous0000B50478 1 : View

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