Search results in Adair County

Your search: "Book: 000358"


138 results (0.18 seconds) Modify search Show more columns Next

  • Indexed data and images from January, 1989
County Recorded Instrument Type Book Page(s)GrantorGranteeLegal DescriptionImages
Adair 2002-060336 NONE0003580911 - 0928 18 : View
Adair 2002-060005 NONE0003580466 - 0467 2 : View
Adair 2002-060000 NONE0003580459 - 0465 7 : View
Adair 2002-059912 NONE0003580334 - 0335 2 : View
Adair 2002-059886 NONE0003580324 - 0329 6 : View
Adair 2002-059885 NONE0003580318 - 0323 6 : View
Adair 2002-059883 NONE0003580312 - 0314 3 : View
Adair 2002-059830 NONE0003580253 - 0257 5 : View
Adair 2002-059829 NONE0003580248 - 0252 5 : View
Adair 2002-059814 NONE0003580241 - 0242 2 : View
Adair 2002-059793 NONE0003580176 - 0177 2 : View
Adair 2002-059780 NONE0003580170 - 0171 2 : View
Adair 2002-059728 NONE0003580039 - 0040 2 : View
Adair 2002-059723 NONE0003580006 - 0023 18 : View
Adair 05/31/2002 1996-060350 Mortgage0003580947 - 0951 ISAACS, DERRICK
S23 T16 R25 E2 NW NW
5 : View

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