The data and images hosted on this website do not belong to KellPro. All data and images belong to the respective county clerk offices.
Effective November 1, 2024, SB57 has amended the Oklahoma Statue Title 19 Section 298. The top margin of all documents shall be at least two (2) inches and all other margins at least one (1) inch.
To make a payment for billable API requests, your credit card charge or check payment will go towards your lump sum balance. Your lump sum balance represents the amount of funds which are available to your account. When you make a billable API request, that amount will be drawn from your lump sum balance. You can configure the API to automatically deposit into your lump sum balance when it gets low, if you prefer that option.
There is a setting on your API Console that you must enable before you can make billable API requests. This is a safety precaution to ensure that you don't accidentally charge yourself while using the API.