The data and images hosted on this website do not belong to KellPro. All data and images belong to the respective county clerk offices.
Effective November 1, 2024, SB57 has amended the Oklahoma Statue Title 19 Section 298. The top margin of all documents shall be at least two (2) inches and all other margins at least one (1) inch.
Submits a problem report for a given instrument and optionally notifies you when the problem is resolved via email or webhook. We check these reports regularly and work with the county to resolve issues with scanning or indexing.
Name | Description |
county | Required. A county name. |
book | Required. A book number. |
beginning_page | Required. The number of the first page of the problem instrument. |
description | A description of the problem you found. |
incorrect_legal_description | Providing 1 indicates that you found a problem with the legal description. You must indicate at least one problem in your request. |
incorrect_images | Providing 1 indicates that you found a problem with the images. |
incorrect_instrument_type | Providing 1 indicates that you found a problem with the instrument type. |
incorrect_parties | Providing 1 indicates that you found a problem with the parties. |
return_email | If specified, this address will get an email when the problem is resolved. |
return_webhook | If specified, this URL will be hit when the problem is resolved. Read more below. |
"success": true
Once the problem has been resolved, the URL you provide will get a POST request once every hour for 24 hours until we get a 200 response code. You can use the Problem Reports resource to catch up on what you miss. The POST body of our request will be in the following format:
"county": "Adair",
"book": "000293",
"beginning_page": "0737",
"resolution": "manually-fixed"
Here is the list of possible resolutions: