The data and images hosted on this website do not belong to KellPro. All data and images belong to the respective county clerk offices.
Effective November 1, 2024, SB57 has amended the Oklahoma Statue Title 19 Section 298. The top margin of all documents shall be at least two (2) inches and all other margins at least one (1) inch.
Returns the raw PDF contents of an image in either official or watermarked format.
Images can be downloaded for $1.00 per page. This is considered "printing". Images that you have already paid to print can always be printed again for free.
You can download the watermarked version of an entire instrument, regardless of how many pages it contains, for $0.40 per instrument. This is considered "viewing". The watermarked version of non-indexed images can also be downloaded for just $0.10 per image, but these records can only be found by book and page searches. Instruments and images which you have already paid to view can always be viewed again for free.
For testing purposes, we've made image number 352795 at Adair County free to view. For information on making payments, see the billing page.
Name | Description |
county | Required. A county name. |
number | Required. An image number. |
action | Required. Can be "view" or "print". |
[Content-Type: application/pdf]
The raw, binary data of a PDF file.